Monday, August 16, 2010

Chubby Cheeks

We saw you today! We got a surprise ultrasound at the doctor's office and saw your chubby cheeks. The doctor wanted the ultrasound for several reasons... to see if you were still breech (you are) and to check your weight and fluids. She was concerned that I have only gained 13lbs so far. We were told you are about 4lbs 12oz, which puts you in the 30th percentile (that's good). The amniotic fluid is at a good level and your heart beat is strong. You had a full bladder and a full stomach which means those organs are working. The doctor seemed happy with what she saw, so we were relieved too. Of course, I also took this visit to mean that I need to fit in a few extra desserts.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sylvia,

    I can't wait to hold you and your chubby cheeks!

    Love - Grandma Birton
