Friday, April 16, 2010

Do These Maternity Pants Make Me Look Fat?

My pants can no longer hold in my stomach. This is actually quite surreal to me as I am continually reminded that there really is a baby in there. So, at 16 weeks, I've gone to using baby bands (elastic strips of fabric basically) and a few maternity clothes. People at work are starting to point out that I'm showing. My students (all girls) are ecstatic. Imagine 60 girls screaming and running to you at once. I felt like a pop star for one fleeting moment. While you are no secret anymore, I am a very private person. So this attention is something I'll have to adjust to as I continue to get bigger.

1 comment:

  1. I'm addicted to your blog! Can you please write every single day??

    The attention getting...uh, it's not going to get any better... :-)

    I can't wait! One more week until I know if I am getting a nice or a nephew!!
