Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Orange Tsunami

Today I went for my 25 week check up. It was not my best experience there. The doctor seemed very rushed today, but did not have any concerns. This was the first visit I saw weight gain- 5 lbs. Today was also the much dreaded gestational diabetes test. I had to drink 10oz of an orange drink in 5 minutes at 8:30 in the morning (on an empty stomach). Then I had to keep it down for an hour. Well, I made it to 40 minutes, then threw it up in the sink. I decided not to say anything and went ahead with the blood work, which came up normal. Before any readers freak out on me, I'd like to say that I did my research on this and feel comfortable with the 40 minute time frame the stuff had to work into my system. I did not feel well the rest of the day... had a headache, had to nap, etc., so I know the sugar was in my system. The good news is your daddy got to practice cleaning up puke.


  1. Anne-I'm so sorry you were so sick! I had definite urges to regurge the nasty glucose drink, so I can relate! At least you passed the first test. I didn't, and had to take the three hour test, which required that I drink EVEN MORE of that stuff. My one hour stuff was fruit punch, though. I'm glad it's behind you!!

  2. I'm sorry you had to go through the 3 hour test! I'm hoping it came back negative. Good luck in your home stretch!

  3. are you kidding...i LOVED that stuff...it was the closest thing i had to sunkist in months-giving up caffeine cold turkey was the biggest sacrifice EVER. so it tasted flat..i still could have asked for another bottle..yum.
